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FAQs for end-users buying and selling cryptocurrencies directly through Ramp Network.
58 articles
How to buy crypto using Ramp Network?
What payment methods does Ramp Network support for buying crypto?
What fees does Ramp Network charge for buying crypto?
How long does it take to receive my cryptocurrency?
How do I check the status of my crypto purchase on Ramp Network?
Can I use someone else's card or bank account to buy crypto on Ramp Network?
How to pay with a manual bank transfer?
What happens if I use the wrong reference number for my transfer?
How does Easy Bank transfer work?
Why is a payment option grayed out when using Ramp Network in a partner app?
Why are my crypto purchases being rejected?
Why didn't I receive the one-time password from my bank when making a payment?
I was charged, but haven't received my crypto
How long does a refund take for purchases on Ramp Network?
Can I change the wallet address after a crypto transfer?
I wasn't redirected to the confirmation page and couldn't complete my transaction
Can I change or cancel my crypto transaction on Ramp Network?
Why did I receive a different amount of crypto than quoted?
Why does it keep saying my card payment failed?
When are cryptoasset rates determined for buying crypto?
What payout methods does Ramp Network support for selling crypto?
What are the fees for selling crypto at Ramp Network?
How long does it take to get paid when selling crypto?
What cryptoassets and blockchains does Ramp Network support for selling?
What are RTP payments and when can I use them?
How do I check the status of my crypto sale?
How is the rate of an asset determined for selling crypto on Ramp Network?
How come my payout is taking longer when selling crypto on Ramp Network?
How to sell crypto using Ramp Network
Can I use someone else’s card or bank account for payouts when selling crypto?
How long does a crypto refund take?
Why did my crypto sell transaction fail?
Why did I receive a different amount of payout than quoted?
What ID Verification Guidelines does Ramp Network follow?
What PoA (Proof of Address) guidelines does Ramp Network follow?
How do I verify my source of funds (SoF)?
Why do I need to re-verify my identity on my Ramp Network account?
How long does KYC verification take with Ramp Network?
What are the KYC limit requirements on Ramp Network?
Why am I being asked about the type of crypto wallet I’m using?
What is the Travel Rule and how does it affect me?
Why was my account locked?
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